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Company — Aeropro
Company — Aeropro
Development of the “Fox” started back in 1990. The concept of the Fox was based on the design of the Avid Flyer. A number of refinements of the design resulted in the first Fox, a two-seat (side-by-side) high-wing microlight homebuild plane with tail wheel. In 1992 Aeropro z.p. was founded to build the Fox. After Aeropro received in 1995 the approvals for production and aircraft repairs from the Civil Aviation Authority of the Slovak Republic the Fox was renamed Eurofox for export and marketing. In 1996, the venture Aeropro z.p. was changed into Aeropro s.r.o. From the beginning in 1990 the engineering team of Aeropro is working on the further development of the Fox.
aeropro, aircraft, eurofox, history, company, producer
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History of Aeropro company


Aero­pro, the man­u­fac­tur­er of the Euro­FOX, was formed in the late 80’s fol­low­ing the “peace­ful” rev­o­lu­tion and the divi­sion of Czech and Slo­va­kia. With no more influ­ence from the Sovi­et Union, 4 uni­ver­si­ty grad­u­ates were able to turn their pas­sion for aero mod­el­ing into full size air­craft design and pro­duc­tion. This same lean man­age­ment struc­ture exists today, with suc­ces­sion plan­ning in place as the next gen­er­a­tion start to enter the busi­ness.

tradition since 1990

With a work­force of 25, most have been with the com­pa­ny for over a decade and have back­grounds in aero mod­el­ing, which is the foun­da­tion of the “fin­ish per­fec­tion” the com­pa­ny aim for with every air­craft

Founders of Aeropro company

Two of founders (Jofef Lobb and Jan Ivan­cik) are enjo­ing ridge fly­ing with RC mod­els.
In his­to­ry of com­pa­ny

Aeropro founders

In his­to­ry of com­pa­ny

Aeropro founders 1

In his­to­ry of com­pa­ny

Aeropro founders 2

In his­to­ry of com­pa­ny

Aeropro founders 3

The Euro­FOX qual­i­ty and atten­tion to detail is sec­ond to none. With many great design and engi­neer­ing fea­tures these remark­able air­craft are pro­duced to a con­sis­tent­ly high qual­i­ty from our pur­pose built air­craft fac­to­ry.

Devel­op­ment of the “Fox” start­ed back in 1990. The con­cept of the Fox was based on the design of the Avid Fly­er. A num­ber of refine­ments of the design result­ed in the first Fox, a two-seat (side-by-side) high-wing micro­light home­build plane with tail wheel. In 1992 Aero­pro z.p. was found­ed to build the Fox. After Aero­pro received in 1995 the approvals for pro­duc­tion and air­craft repairs from the Civ­il Avi­a­tion Author­i­ty of the Slo­vak Repub­lic the Fox was renamed Euro­fox for export and mar­ket­ing. In 1996, the ven­ture Aero­pro z.p. was changed into Aero­pro s.r.o. From the begin­ning in 1990 the engi­neer­ing team of Aero­pro is work­ing on the fur­ther devel­op­ment of the Fox.

In his­to­ry of euro­fox

Eurofox history

In his­to­ry of euro­fox

Eurofox history 1

In his­to­ry of euro­fox

Eurofox history 2

In his­to­ry of euro­fox

Eurofox history 3